SHOFU Group Human Rights Policy

Our mission at the Shofu Group is to contribute to dental care around the world and support people’s bountiful lives through the provision of safe, secure, and high-quality products and services under the corporate philosophy of “contribution to dentistry through innovative business activities.” In order to realize this corporate philosophy, we believe that it is essential to respect the human rights of all people affected by our corporate activities. We have established this Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, “this Policy”) in order to fulfill our corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and we will engage in efforts to respect human rights based on this Policy with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.
1. Basic approach to human rights
The Shofu Group supports and respects international norms regarding human rights, such as the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the ILO (International Labour Organization) “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” and we have established this Policy to facilitate promotion of efforts to respect human rights using the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” as a framework for implementation.
2. Scope of application
This Policy applies to all officers and employees (including full-time employees, part-time workers, and temporary employees) of the Shofu Group (SHOFU INC. and its consolidated subsidiaries). We also ask our business partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders to understand and support this policy, and work together with us to respect human rights.
3. Human rights due diligence
We will establish a human rights due diligence system based on the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” to identify, prevent, and reduce any negative impacts the Shofu Group may have on our stakeholders’ human rights.
4. Dialogue and consultation
In the process of implementing this Policy, we will draw upon the human rights expertise of independent external experts, and engage in honest dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders.
5. Education and training
We will make this Policy known to all officers and employees of the Shofu Group as well as provide them with appropriate education and training on respect for human rights in order to ensure that this Policy is understood and put into practice.
6. Remedy
If it becomes clear that our corporate activities have caused a negative impact on human rights, we will endeavor to provide relief through appropriate procedures and work to prevent recurrence.
7. Responsibility to respect human rights
We understand that our corporate activities may impact human rights. We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights and build a responsible supply chain by ensuring that our corporate activities do not violate the human rights of those affected by such activities, and by taking appropriate measures to remedy any negative impacts on human rights should they occur.
8. Disclosure of information
We will regularly disclose our efforts to respect human rights on our website and through other means.
9. Applicable laws and regulations
We will comply with the laws and regulations of each country or region in which we are engaged in corporate activities. When there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of each country or region, we will seek ways to maximize our respect for international human rights principles.
This Policy has been approved by the SHOFU INC. Board of Directors and signed by the President & COO.
Statement as a PDF file
Tetsuo Takami
President & COO
March 7, 2024