Hybrid Points (Diamonds)

Specially designed with natural diamond particles for constant, long-lasting cutting performance. Only light pressure is required for outstanding results with no heat build-up.
- Uniform distribution of the diamond particles
- Low vibration performance
- Grits diamonds are available in: Standard (R)
- Use HyBrid Points for: cavity and crown preparation
Información del producto
Hybrid Points Charts
- Abrasives
- Piedras
- Pulidores
- ZiLMaster
- CeraMaster Coarse and CeraMaster
- Ceramisté and Ceramisté Soft
- CompoMaster and CompoMaster Coarse
- CompoSite and CompoSite Fine Polishers
- Super-Snap X-Treme
- Super-Snap X-Treme Ultra-Gloss Performance Kit
- Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Kit
- Super-Snap Singles, Standard and Mini
- Super-Snap Polystrips
- Super-Snap SuperBuff Disk
- Super-Snap Buff Disk and Mini Buff Disk
- OneGloss
- OneGloss PS
- OneGloss / SuperBuff Combo Set
- Piedras & Pulidores para Laboratorio
- Pastas Pulidoras
- Accesorios
- Kits para Acabado & Pulido
- Guia Rapida de Abrasivos
- Diamantes & Carburos
- Cementos
- Preventivos
- Restauradores
- Ceramicas y CAD/CAM
- Cámara
- Datos Técnicos