Vintage ZR AB Set

Economical introduction to the Vintage ZR technique with color groups A and B.
PN 9000 • Vintage ZR AB Set
(10) 15 g Opaque Liner, (5) 15 g Opaque Dentin, (10) 15 g Body, (4) 15 g Incisal, (2) 15 g Cervical Enhancer, 15 g Transparent Modifier, (2) 15 g Correction, 3 mL Opaque Liner Liquid, 50 mL Modeling Liquid, instructions
Refill Shades: 15 g/50 g
Opaque Liner: A1O, A2O, A3O, A3.5O, A4O, RootAO,B1O, B2O, B3O, B4O
Opaque Dentin: OD-N, OD-A3, OD-RootA, OD-B2, OD-B4
Body: A1B, A2B, A3B, A3.5B, A4B, RootAB, B1B, B2B, B3B, B4B
Incisal Opal: 57, Opal 58, Opal 59, Opal 60
Cervical Enhancer: AC, BC
Transparent Modifier: Opal T
ZR Correction: Add-On B, Add-On T