Vintage MP Whitening Set

This set is ideal for the reproduction of bleached teeth in the shades W0, W1, W2 and W3.
PN 9251 • Vintage MP Whitening Set
5 g base opaque, (4) 5 g shade opaque, (4) 15 g body, (2) 15 g opaque dentin, (3) 15 g opal, 15 g opal effect, 3 mL Vintage MP opaque liquid, instructions
Refill Shades 15 g/50 g
Base Opaque
Shade Opaque: W0O, W1O, W2O, W3O
Body: W0B, W1B, W2B, W3B
Opaque Dentin: OD-N, OD-W0
Opal: Opal 55, Opal 56, Opal 57.
Opal Effect: Opal T
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