Vintage Halo Porcelain

Vintage Halo is a user friendly, feldspar-based porcelain that has minimal shrinkage and allows the dental technician to chose between a two, three or more powder build-up technique. The even distribution of leucite in the glass matrix makes it very kind to the wear of opposing dentition and fracture resistant. Color particles are integrated in the porcelain frit, making Vintage Halo extremely color stable. Due to the physical properties of its glass matrix, Vintage Halo resists vitrification much better than many other dental porcelains.
- Unique two-frit glass matrix
- Easy for simple two to three powder build-ups and more complex multi-powder restorations
- Low shrinkage
- Resistance to cracking and steam tears
- Economical firing
Check the Temperature
Best aesthetic results are achieved when temperature display is calibrated to correct firing temperature in firing chamber. Furnace temperature can be checked with fine gold. Fine gold melts at 1064C. For less shrinkage always use SHOFU’s original modeling liquid.