Ceravety Press & Cast

Ceravety Press & Cast is extremely versatile and produces perfect fitting casts every time without the need for internal adjustments.
- Rapid or overnight burn out method
- Cast non-precious and high noble alloys
- Can be used for press-ceramic, zirconia and metal
- Reduces stress and cracks in press and press over restorations
- Easy to divest
PN 6967 • Ceravety Press & Cast Liquid
2 L press, cast liquid
PN 6966 • Ceravety Press & Cast Powder
(100) 120 g
- Abrasives
- Stones
- Polishers
- ZiLMaster
- CeraMaster Coarse and CeraMaster
- Ceramisté and Ceramisté Soft
- CompoMaster and CompoMaster Coarse
- CompoSite and CompoSite Fine Polishers
- Super-Snap X-Treme
- Super-Snap X-Treme Ultra-Gloss Performance Kit
- Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Kit
- Super-Snap Singles, Standard and Mini
- Super-Snap Polystrips
- Super-Snap Buff Disk and Mini Buff Disk
- OneGloss
- OneGloss PS
- OneGloss / SuperBuff Combo Set
- Lab Stones and Polishers
- Polishing Pastes
- Accessories
- Finishing and Polishing Kits
- Composite Polishing Kit CA
- Porcelain & Enamel Polishing Kit CA
- Amalgam & Metal Polishing Kit FG
- Amalgam & Metal Polishing Kit CA
- Acrylic Polishing Kit HP
- Zirconia Polishing Kit CA
- Acrylic Adjusting and Polishing Kit
- CompoSite Technique Kit
- Gold Polishing Kit
- Porcelain and Enamel Adjustment Kit
- Porcelain Veneer Kit
- Abrasive Quick Guide
- Diamonds & Carbides
- Cements
- Preventives
- Restoratives
- Ceramics & CAD/CAM
- Equipment
- Technical Data